there is a place where a floating town - complete with mosque school and hospital - is anchored to a stately rock rising out of the ocean
a majestic tree towers above the canopy of the forest, serving as a zip-line platform for adventure seekers to this island
in the middle of the ocean, a small island sits at the tail end of a small sand bar
sunsets are beautiful and almost spiritual every evening of the week in this blessed place
speaking of blessings, an extra spicy beef salad goes exceptionally well with a couple of pints of cold beer
muay thai boxers giving everything they to their art - lots of sweat, blood. and pain just for a few fleeting moments of glory
small boat anchored off the coast on a calm cloudless day
string lights cast a strange blue glow on the trees in this hotel courtyard
seafood salad - thai spicy again
a mother cat anxiously guards her kittens on some steps near a busy tourist thoroughfare
the train track in the middle of this metropolis is surprisingly quiet and devoid of people at night
an extravagant gaudy cemetery for the most affluent families sits in the heart of this capital of a south american nation
commuters near the central bus terminal walking purposely without a trace of emotion
a horse spies a photographer and poses still for just one picture
commissioned graffiti in Montevideo Uruguay
that one will come up on some mountains if one continues down this road is a distinct probability
there are all types of seas and all types of skies - i had not seen this high cumulus formation before
a large luxury liner patiently docked under a partly cloudy sky
love ?
snowcapped mountains far yonder - past miles of sea and islands
the amalia glacier on an overcast day - still slowly retreating inlands as our planet warms
another unfamiliar cloud formation in the southern skies