Sunday, June 1, 2014

working and traveling

salt farm adding some color at the edge of a bay

at a training school for guide dogs for the blind - this one is the designated demo dog

a musical theater had redesigned their exterior to match the setting of the musical that was current being shown

at the outskirts of seoul, a garden surrounding a gallery where a private art collection is housed

dinner for one 

chocolate cake and strawberries with a light dusting of sugar

at a home for the disabled, succulents are grown to help raise funds

a dancer plies her trade as a traditional performance artist 

just checking out a new camera feature at an airport gate in northern california

dusk at LAX

stage effects being tested in a theater in downtown seoul

this old man takes more care than most in creating street food for the night crowd

vegetables for sale

appetizer tray of delicious cold cuts at a steak restaurant

closing of another excellent ballet performance