Wednesday, February 20, 2008

pics here and there

afernoon sun in highly decorated restaurant

bicycles on campus

a poster at the steps


flowers - dont know where this pciture came from

a print

Thursday, February 7, 2008

baja is nice this time of year

there are pristine private beaches that stretch for miles

this is a closeup of the beach at the water's edge

morning view over coffee

the hotel resort comes with regal architecture, fountains, courtyards

an example of a framed courtyard with a blue ocean as the backdrop

decorations of cacti adorn this watering hole next to a popular restaurant

in this part of the world hundreds of whales swim up almost to the shores edge as they make their migratory journeys

interesting sign hung inside a store entry door - not sure what it means ......

the sign may be alluding to this - elsewhere close to downtown, things get just a little more crowded

a clown who makes the most amazing balloon creations gets ready to work the restaurants along the crowded beach

a downtown drinking establishment during the off-season - the name is an obvious play on words

in a nearby old town, new abodes spring up daily even as roads cannot catch up

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

reminds me of

two very good dog friends sharing an afternoon nap under the shade of a tree

colorful and soft stuffed animals waiting patiently in a storefront window display

a statue of a pretty mermaid adorn the entrance to a building somewhere downtown

young child gazes intently at the funny bartender as he teases and plays with her during a spare moment

children play in a shallow pond at a hotel resort for priviledged families

an item in a tourist trinket store of an angel carrying a watermelon leave more questions than answers

birds chase for crumbs under diners' tables at a restaurant on the beach close to the beaten path

a bulldog catches some sleep having been tuckered out by a walk to the local supermarket

shallow tide pools teeming with life on the baja coastline

Saturday, February 2, 2008

had a couple more from the ocean

a nice vista looking over the ocean from a bluff

a talented gull dreams of a life on the stage